Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Amaretto Di Amore.

Italian coffee leaves a wonderful buzz. All you need is a cup of coffee, a spoonful of sugar, a shot of amaretto, and some whipped cream if you prefer. I prefer mine without. Combined with a laptop, a musical instrument nearby, good lighting and a big comfy chair, it has the potential to delude you into at least one hour of peace of mind.

My God, I just listened to Szeryng playing the Bach Chaconne. I really have no words for it. In fact I'm going to have to end this entry now; Bach has said it all for me. I encourage whoever is reading this to listen to Szeryng play the Bach Chaconne. It's available on YouTube.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0K00aEqhE (Part I)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COhIuDTDyzg (Part II)

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